Turns out not everyone is excited about tablet. ABC reporter David Francois has come up with a list of reasons as to why you shouldn't rush right out and get one when the time comes. For starters, the iTablet will have a short battery life. If you have an iPhone or a current slim MacBook, you know exactly what to expect when it comes to the battery. This means keeping the device that is supposed to be ultra-portable plugged in more often than not.
If you can get past the battery life, you may not be able to get past the lack of comfort. You can't hold it in your hand like an iPhone and you can't rest it in your lap like a laptop. You can't adjust the screen - it IS the screen - and it doesn't have a rubberized back. Also, tablets have surprisingly been around for about 20 years but as you might have noticed, they haven't exactly caught on. Sure, the technology is better this year than it was in say, 1995, but you dont hear people talking about how much they want to run out and get a tablet.
So, you don't care about comfort, battery life, or popularity? Fine, but why do you even need the device? You've already got your laptop, netbook, and cell phone. The tablet won't do anything those things don't already do. Maybe it will end up with some tablet-specific apps but in the long-run, unless you're just a gadget-freak, what purpose will it serve to have one? Make that a gadget-freak with a big budget. Rumor has it the tablet is going to have a 3G data connection that's definitely going to cost you.
Personally, I'd say wait until the device comes out before you decide whether or not to buy one. Apple didn't get where they are by making brainless moves and who knows what they have in store, but so far, the tablet isn't winning me over.
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